Golan Rouzkhosh draws its strength from 25 years of experience in the field of art, marketing and design. That is a true perception of the ins and outs which allows the success of a product, a project, a desire.
Golan Rouzkhosh is keen on Art, and more precisely Contemporary Art. With a foolproof determination as he has always had, Golan Rouzkhosh succeeded in creating a real universe around GRK company. Always looking further, Golan Rouzkhosh is like a step ahead, supporting many contemporary artists, keeping an eye on humanitarian actions, but also lucrative and gentle ones.
He especially developed a specific conception of Art and kept diversifying his actions around it through several companies : GRK GROUPE (Galleries, Médias, Investment) www.grkgroupe.com
Walking in the footsteps of Golan Rouzkhosh is like taking the right path to get an idea of what could be the future direction of some contemporary artists such as Ghass, Jean Legros, Nicolas D'olce, Joel Froment, Pierre Marie Lejeune, Christophe Beauregard, Winnie Denker... These are so different in their way to conceive and experiment Art that Golan Rouzkhosh proves to have like a 360-degree Contemporary Art view.
With such a global vision he keeps cultivating, Golan Rouzkhosh then oughts to be an inescapable player in the future of Contemporary Art. He has already reached a kind of solid international foundation.
However, Golan Rouzkhosh cannot be satisfied with such a pleasant situation. He always wants more and more, stopping off on the way is unbeleivable for him. Anyone that could be interested in contemporary art should then keep a watchful eye on its constent progress.
Translated from André Gilles LATOURNALD*
*PhD in Economics, lecturer at University Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne)
Photo : Sacha RK
GRK GROUP have a real interest in generating new ideas, new experiences… It puts innovation at the heart of its communication and development program. It establishes a product thanks to its network of partners. No surprise, no miracle, it only deals with desire and joy : that is one the keys of its work ethic. For Golan Rouzkhosh, Art and Concept are like synonyms: these are ways of expression of a past to preserve and a future to build, or more generally, a mix of both.
Golan Rouzkhosh likes to distinguish two ways allowing to understand the artist and its work; or to express the company and its product. The first way is the pleasure that provides the emotion coming from the work, the product; the second: the one of the interest (divided in economic interests, power and prestige interests). An interest to protect in order to allow the artist to express himself completely, without any material restrictions; an interest to favour so as to allow some budgetary rigour, giving its strength to the company. The first way is regulated by the pleasure principle (development of a concept to price the work of the artist, the product of a company); the second is regulated by the reality principle (effective management and marketing in order to complete a project). How to reconcile best both principles in order to allow an art product to have its own life: by giving it sense, through a concept. That is the objectif of GRK GROUP.
The artist keeps creating, he follows his inspiration, he builds the wings of his emotions. As time went one, Golan Rouzkhosh understood that emotion is not the purpose of the achieved work, but its reality. Through concepts, logistics, a connection between effective and disciplined professionals, restoring the emotion becomes both a way to think present and a way to forecast future…
Translated from André Gilles LATOURNALD*
*PhD in Economics, lecturer at University Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne)